Red Deer Piling prides itself on being 100% family owned because our strong work ethic is enshrined within our company’s roots. We are also a non-union company, meaning that your job will be finished in a timely manner without any labour disruptions.
With our head office centrally located in Red Deer, Alberta we are able to service just about any job, in any location. We are “piling specialists” who have the innovation, equipment and technical expertise necessary to undertake the many challenging foundation, piling and heavy shoring projects of our region.
Red Deer Piling’s foundation expertise includes deep foundation construction. We offer all types and sizes of driven piles including timber piling, steel pipe piling, steel “H pile” piling, and steel “Z pile” (sheet) piling. We offer all types and sizes of drilled straight shaft and belled caissons; we also have extensive experience in vibro’ work and earth retention systems.
Safety is of the utmost importance at Red Deer Piling, our firm is a member of the Alberta Construction Safety Association and has a Certificate of Recognition.
We are a CWB certified welding company and are certified to W47.1 and W59.
We are also members of The International Association of Drilling (ADSC) and The Deep Foundations Institute (DFI). Our participation in both of these organizations keeps us informed on the newest and most efficient technologies, providing our clients with the best solutions.